Ricky Taylor of the Gibraltar RFU talked to us at the recent Gib 7s about their Mental Health prograame "Cauliflower Ears".
This comprehesive programme has been rolled out across the whole of the GRFU members as a way for anybody who might be suffering or is seeking help, to talk with a trained Mental Health First Aider to receive the care and support that they need and to ensure that there is appropriate follow up action, whether that be from friends, rugby colleagues or professional services.

One of the highest causes of death in young men is sadly, still suicide; The Rugby Foundation has worked with a number of initiatives across the rugby spectrum to support their Mental Health programmes to their members, however the fantastic work of the GRFU goes beyond basic support with a full package that also takes care of those who are providing that initial intervention.
The GRFU, with the help of the Lancashire Rugby Union, (the original founders of the Cauliflower Ears name and programme) developed a low cost, low risk, reliable and resilient solution that offered all of its members information on mental health and well being - a perfect model for the Foundation to roll out across the world where every union, every region and every club faces very different challenges.

Ricky and Mike have already begun working on the awareness programme and can be seen with the marketing, and with our messages they are trying to strike a balance between the seriousness of the programme and the humour that exists in rugby, particularly amongst the older generation.

As we build a fully packaged solution of training, resources, signposting and support we would like to hear from you if you are interested in being a "Cauliflower Ear" or supporting a programme at your club, region or union. Please pop us a message here. Start your message with "Cauliflower Ear" in the title.
Watch the interview with Ricky